Tamanho da fonte:  Menor  Médio  Maior

A atuação do enfermeiro da atenção primária com foco na prevenção, almejando o envelhecimento saudável: revisão integrativa

Samuel Lucas Da Silva, Lucinete Duarte dos Santos


Life expectancy has rapidly increased from 51 to 75 years in less than half a century (1950 to 2010) and it is expected that by 2040, Brazilians will live on average 80 years. The concept of successful aging involves low risk of disease and disability, excellent physical and mental functioning and active involvement with life. It depends on the ability to adapt to physical, emotional and social changes. This ability is the result of the psychological structure and social conditions built throughout life. It is valid to reflect, then, about the role played by nurses working in primary care when it comes to preventing healthy aging. The aim of this study was to map the literature on the role of the primary care nurse and to perform an integrative review about the mentioned theme. For this, It was searched on the databases: BVS, Lilacs, Scielo, as well as books, texts, dissertations and theses. The following keywords were used: nursing, aging, healthy aging, primary care and primary care. Publications were included in Portuguese language, prioritizing those dating from 2014. Searches were performed between April and June 2019. Through the discriminated databases, 2208 articles were found, of which 28 were used. published between 2007 and 2018. The filtered articles should relate to the following theme: “Action of nurses working in primary care in relation to healthy aging”. The articles found clarify the work and role of these professionals dealing with the elderly in the dissemination of the concept of healthy aging. As results, it was found that nurses play a crucial role in the healthy aging process, but there are no scientific publications related specifically to preventive actions focused on healthy aging by nurses working in primary care. It can be concluded, therefore, that the number of researches on the subject tends to grow over the years as the  life expectancy is increasing and therefore there’s s need for a more planned aging. However, health professionals should work multidisciplinary and nurses more punctually to demonstrate the technical skill and knowledge they have that allow them to work with elders. It is noticed that, based on the descriptors used, a considerable number of scientific articles was found. However, none of them actually answered the following question: “How inserted, how active is the primary health worker in stimulating prevention of healthy aging?” 

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ISSN 2179-1589